Onwards and Upwards: The State of LOA in Q1

League of Ancients
6 min readMar 7, 2022


Greetings, LOAders! So much has happened within the last few weeks, what with our PancakeSwap farming frenzy, welcoming new talents aboard, as well as the decision to move our primary community platform to Discord.

Apart from that, we are aware that there has been some unrest within the community, which is understandable as we are approaching the final leg of Q1 with our promised milestones yet to be seen.

Remember this? Yeah, well…

The good news is that we are making great headway on all items, but the bad news is that a couple of them may be pushed to Q2 instead. We understand that this may be disappointing for most of you, but read on to find out our reasons for doing so.

NFT Marketplace Launch Delayed to End of March

As mentioned in Episode 2 of Dev Diaries, we had planned for the NFT Marketplace to launch in the middle of March 2022. However, in the past few weeks you may have heard rumours floating around that the launch will be pushed back to the end of March. Unfortunately, those rumours are true.

So what’s with the delay? Since the launch of the NFT Marketplace Beta, we have received a huge amount of feedback and suggestions from the community, which we greatly appreciate. The team has been hard at work trying to make these changes become a reality — be it aesthetic, functional, or even feature-oriented. One of the key highlights was more utility for the LOA token, and what better to get mileage out of your investment besides yield farming?

That’s right! Some observant LOAders have noticed that the Roadmap in Discord features one subtle yet significant change: Yield Farming has been moved up from Q2 to Q1.

More reason to hop on over to our Discord channel!

So, while the NFT Marketplace launch will be delayed a couple of weeks to the very end of Q1, we are confident that introducing this highly sought-after feature in the very first iteration of our Marketplace will bring great value to our LOAders.

All in all, we sincerely apologise for the delay of the Marketplace, but rest assured that we always have your best interests in mind, and we are doing everything in our power to ensure that the Marketplace will be up and running soon.

Be sure to stay tuned to our social media platforms as we will be announcing the exact date of the Marketplace launch soon!

Out with the Old, In with the New

As some keen-eyed LOAders may have already noticed, the LOA Team has recently undergone some changes to its core line-up. While several members have decided to part ways to pursue their passions outside of LOA, we are happy to announce that we have brought aboard a couple of sterling additions to the team to further stabilise and grow the project.

Hailing from professional backgrounds with an extensive array of technical skills and qualifications under their belt, we are positive that our newest team members will bring to the table a vast pool of expertise across different areas, thereby strengthening League of Ancients’ core operations across the board.

While we understand changes brew uncertainty, we also believe that sometimes changes are necessary for improvement. When there is a crack in the foundation, we believe in rebuilding from the ground up instead of patching up cracks as a temporary salve. This way, we can ensure that our project stands the test of time, and not simply appear well on the outside.

Dev Diaries Ep #3: Delayed But Not Forgotten

Initially, the Dev Diaries series was planned as a weekly update on the things that our dev team is currently working on. However, we quickly learned that while this seemed like a great idea, it was not the most efficient way to do things in the long run.

Firstly, it would take a great deal of our dev team’s time away from their work, as filming can be a time-consuming process. We also realised that episodes would get quickly repetitive as the reality of game development means that the team is often working and reiterating on the same thing for long periods of time. We asked ourselves — does the community really want to watch 2-minute videos of Sir Ken crunching NFT Marketplace numbers for the 5th consecutive week in a row, or would it be more impactful to deliver longer and higher-quality episodes at the expense of frequency?

In the end, we have decided to opt for the latter, so you will be seeing Dev Diaries episodes only when a meaningful and interesting part of the game development process is underway.

All that aside, we are happy to reveal that Episode 3 will indeed be game development-related. We know that you guys have been clamouring for actual scenes of game development, with some even begging for photos of our office to prove that we aren’t all sweaty neckbeards cackling while we dump tokens on a daily basis in a slow rug pull. The truth is that increasing cases of Covid have forced most of the team to work from home, so all you’d see is pictures of us in our pajamas surrounded by mountains of empty instant noodle packets and dry shampoo.

In any case, we are confident that once the third episode of Dev Diaries goes live, it will restore your faith in the LOA team, and prove that we are indeed spending time and making headway on the game development side of things.

LOA Website 2.0: An Update

As a website is essentially the storefront of any business, having a good-looking and functional website is equally — or even more — important as having a strong social media presence.

We have undergone countless iterations of designs (our UI/UX designer may just be planning to burn our office down soon) to ensure that the final product is something that we — and all our beloved LOAders — love. It should be a place that feels like home, and a platform where everyone enjoys their stay — be it to read up on hero lore, check out updates, or even join upcoming activities.

The website revamp team is now working on ensuring that the design language is standardised across the board — from our website to the marketplace and even to the game UI. While more pages are being added to enrich our information banks, some segments are also being culled to streamline the overall user experience.

Apart from aesthetics, the website copy is also being rewritten to be more easily understandable by different types of audiences. After all, League of Ancients is not just another crypto project — it aims to be the first free-to-play and play-to-earn crypto MOBA title on the Binance Smart Chain. This means that we will be packing more game-related elements into our interface, and simplifying often hard-to-swallow crypto concepts so that newcomers don’t feel overwhelmed.

All in all, these changes are more time-consuming than we expected, and we may have to push the Website 2.0 launch to early Q2 instead of the end of Q1. However, the website revamp team is still working day and night to refine the end product, so who knows? We may see the updated website even earlier than we expect!

Even More Big Things are Coming!

We know — it has been a rollercoaster of emotions, changes, and updates in the past few weeks and will remain so in the weeks to come. However, we assure you that we are doing everything necessary to ensure that League of Ancients measures up as the biggest MOBA to hit mobile platforms in 2022.

All in all, we’d like to thank our loyal LOAders for sticking with us along this sometimes-turbulent journey, and believing in our vision. We hope you keep on supporting League of Ancients; please stay tuned for more exciting updates!

If you would like to find out more about League of Ancients, visit our website at www.leagueofancients.com, and join our Discord at https://discord.gg/loa



League of Ancients

🎮 The world’s first F2P and P2E crypto MOBA game ⚔️ Classic 5v5 gameplay with leaderboard rankings 🚀 Play and earn more with NFT skins 🏠 Native to BNB Chain