League Of Ancients Token Generation Event Guide
Date: 12th December 2021
Time: 00:00AM UTC
Option 1
Here’s a detailed guide on how you can start trading #LOA Tokens on Pancakeswap:-
- Click on:- https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?inputCurrency=0xe9e7cea3dedca5984780bafc599bd69add087d56&outputCurrency=0x94b69263FCA20119Ae817b6f783Fc0F13B02ad50
- Click on (view on BscScan), refer to the image below:-
3. Verify the Contract Address on BscScan
Verify the right contract address:- 0x94b69263FCA20119Ae817b6f783Fc0F13B02ad50
4. Head over to Pancakeswap, https://pancakeswap.finance/swap?inputCurrency=0xe9e7cea3dedca5984780bafc599bd69add087d56&outputCurrency=0x94b69263FCA20119Ae817b6f783Fc0F13B02ad50
Next, proceed to click ‘I understand’ and click ‘Import’
5. Proceed to connect wallet as shown below:-
6. This is how it should look like once you have connected your wallet:
Option 2
This will be a guide on how you can start trading alternatively:-
- Once you have connected you wallet, click on Trade > Exchange and you will be redirected to the page shown below.
2. Click on Manage Tokens
3. Next, paste the LOA Contract Address here and click on import
LOA Contract Address: 0x94b69263FCA20119Ae817b6f783Fc0F13B02ad50
4. Next, proceed to click ‘I understand’ and click ‘Import’
5. And you’re good to go!
LOA Official Contract Address: 0x94b69263FCA20119Ae817b6f783Fc0F13B02ad50
Telegram: https://t.me/leagueofancients
Discord: https://discord.gg/loa
Twitter: @LOAOfficialMOBA