League of Ancients
6 min readOct 27, 2021


let’s say you’re a MOBA gamer. You’ve been playing MOBA games for YEARS or decades even! You love games like DOTA2 & League of Legends. You love these games so much that you’ve integrated them completely into your lifestyle. You spend all of your free time playing or watching. You’re a dedicated student who masters the mechanics of the developers. You spend your extra money on in-game purchases and you are attracted to people who also play these games.

WOW what a loyal fan you are; they are SO lucky to have you. I bet they take real good care of players like you! I bet you get perks, cash back, promo gear or just a positive NON-toxic gaming experience with endless enjoyable incentives to press on!

WHAT?! NO?! You don’t get anything?! You’re not incentivized in any way? Your commitment and excellent behavior isn’t rewarded? You spend 1000s of hours playing and ZILCH, NOTHING, NADA from these BILLIONAIRE developers?!! HA! No wonder toxicity is a problem in MOBAs! It’s like living in a dysfunctional home.

Okay gamers, What the FUDGE!? Did you know that over 250 million players play MOBAs and that in 2020 the global community spent over 5.7 BILLION USD on in-game purchases? On what you ask? Oh you know… A skin that makes your bloodthirsty ferocious hero look like he’s going to a children’s pool party or a sight ward that looks like an ice cream cone. YEAH — over $5,700,000,000 USD FOR A GOOFY COSMETIC, and this cosmetic doesn’t even belong to you! It belongs to your account which belongs to the developer!

Okay, so we’ve basically allowed these big game developers to click-bait us into spending billions of dollars on FREE-TO-PLAY games while they give nothing in return. Now I know what you’re thinking — some players have opportunities, like becoming streamers, partners or E-sport stars. However, this population is less than 0.001% of the total gaming community! And many of them don’t have the incentives or means to earn a comfortable living. In fact, they are even forced to play 24/7 to build up enough of a following to earn a living, completely sacrificing a healthy lifestyle. Even under those circumstances, there is absolutely NO guarantee for success. This is a recipe for unhappiness and unhappiness leads to impulsive spending and impulsive spending leads to richer developers.

Okay, so maybe you knew all this. You know that MOBAs are great and corporations suck. But what if it didn’t have to be this way? What if playing an awesome game actually got you PAID. Not 0.001% of you, but ALL OF YOU! That’s right, what if an awesome game gave 100% of its player base saleable rewards for playing. What if the rewards meant you could quit your job and have a comfortable life? Well I have news for you! this is not a dream, this is a reality.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is not a new idea. If you haven’t heard about NFT gaming — It’s time you learned about it. This is alive, tested and true and it is WORKING. For the past 10 years, the gaming industry has been integrating itself into the world of Crypto-currency and it is changing the lives of millions. What started as a 30 million industry, is now nearly a 500 billion industry.

I know what you’re thinking! “If this is so huge, how the hell haven’t I heard of it yet?!” Come on people, think about it. If the mainstream media took a break from propaganda stupidity for a day and ACTUALLY reported amazing tech advancements and opportunities, this would be a world-changing wildfire. Can you imagine if everyone knew they could make a living playing video games?! Who the hell would make my underwear? Or wash my car?! Or deliver my Bacon Egg and cheese sandwich?! Needless to say, the Corporations of the world would be forever “tilted”. But worry not, with or without mainstream media, the world is changing. So let’s get into it!

The world of crypto-currency is like the Elephant in the room. Everyone sees it but not everyone believes, understands it or wants to deal with it. But the fact is it’s here to stay and it is growing at an astronomical rate. With growth comes innovation and basically, The crypto world has figured out a way where EVERYONE has MUCH more freedom to make money utilizing their time and/or talent. This was accomplished with the creation of NFTs and subsequently NFT GAMES.

So what is an NFT GAME? Well firstly, an NFT is basically like a piece of property. It’s something YOU earned or created in a game. It’s simply a digital representation of your time and effort which is ACTUALLY a globally accepted currency. So an NFT game is a video game that has loot/rewards that are compatible and transferable to the real world as a CURRENCY (MONEY).

Confused? Well let’s imagine you’re playing a MOBA, you win the match, you get rewarded some tokens, those tokens are recognized NFTs that can be transferred OUT OF THE GAME , sold, traded, converted into local currency or staked to earn interest on.

Basically this is just like traditional video games, except now you have a Crypto wallet connected to the game that fills up with valuable NFT assets as you play. Those assets can then be sold, traded or held onto to collect interest (Staking). This is an amazing system. Now the game developers purpose isn’t to get you to spend money impulsively. Their one and ONLY purpose is for you to play an awesome game, bring more players and develop communities. The developer succeeds when you succeed and they make money when you make money. One hand washes the other.

This movement is revolutionary. Traditional games are like the relationship between a bug and a Venus fly trap. The trap is beautiful, you want it’s sweet sap but as soon as you get close it traps and devours you. NFT games are the opposite, the community and the developer are like a Bee and a flower. Both parties need each other to survive, prosper and grow.

Now if you’ve made it this far, you’re probably starting to feel excited, especially if you’re a gamer. You should be excited! NFT games ARE the future. The next step is spotting the right games/developers to invest your time and energy into. Understanding how the developers balance the player driven economy of the game, how they make sure the value of the NFTs remain stable etc. There’s a lot to consider and the best developers will always have a great plan to make sure that both the game and it’s player driven economy remains excellent for the long-term.

Stay tuned for the next article where we’ll be taking a look at the innovative Player driven economy of League of Ancients! destined to become the world’s first Blockchain NFT MOBA game inspired by DOTA2 and LOL.




League of Ancients
League of Ancients

Written by League of Ancients

🎮 The world’s first F2P and P2E crypto MOBA game ⚔️ Classic 5v5 gameplay with leaderboard rankings 🚀 Play and earn more with NFT skins 🏠 Native to BNB Chain

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